Kemmesabbe® dog vest for GPS collars
The vest has been developed and tested by experienced dog handlers and hunters in Sweden. We mainly hunt brown bear, wild boar and lynx. We use the vest as a high visibility and safety tool as well as a carrier/holder for GPS tracking devices. In 2008 we started the development of this vest. We had tested most GPS vests available at the time and no vest met our expectations. The main problems were too low quality and poor durability and also that the vests slipped down on the side of the dog because of the weight of the GPS equipment. Our goal was to produce an extremely durable vest that fits well on the dog without over-tightened straps and without slipping far down on the side of the dog. Before the vest was completed in all its details it was tested during many demanding hunts over several years. For more information or to order please contact us on